API GetOrderDetail

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Method gives You overview of existing order detail in system.

Exact name



Standard view.


Column Data type Description Relation
ID int Internal system id
OrderID int ID of order from orders list (see relation) API_GetOrders.ID
ProductID int ID of product from products list (see relation) API_GetProducts.ID
UnitID int ID of unit from units list (see relation) API_GetUnits.ID
CodeInLanguage nvarchar(350) Code in language
NameInLanguage nvarchar(1000) Name in language
Quantity decimal(12,4) Quantity
DeliveredQuantity decimal(18,4) Delivered quantity
CanceledQuantity decimal(18,4) Canceled quantity
PricePerPiece decimal(19,6) Price per piece
TotalPrice decimal(19,6) Total price
PricePerPieceInCurrency decimal(19,6) Price per pieceIn currency
TotalPriceInCurrency decimal(19,6) Total price in currency
Note varchar(400) Note
DiscountPercent decimal(18,4) Discount percent
DiscountPrice decimal(18,4) Discount price
PricePerPieceAfterDIscount decimal(18,4) Price per piece after dIscount
TotalPriceAfterDiscount decimal(18,4) Total price after discount
ItemTypeID int Item type ID

-1 - _NA

1 - Zbozi

2 - Sluzba

3 - Majetek

4 - Spotreba

5 - Material

7 - Ostatni

10 - ASTZaloha_Prijem

9 - ASTZaloha_Vydej

12 - Cenina

15 - Sleva

999 - Korekce

21 - ZalohovaPlatba

30 - VyrobekJednoduchy

31 - Vyrobek

500 - KorekceCeny

600 - Bonus

ItemText nvarchar(1000) Item text
DontOrder int Dont order

0 - Order

1 - Dont order

PricePerPieceAfterDiscountInCurrency decimal(18,4) Price per piece after discountIn currency
TotalPriceAfterDiscountInCurrency decimal(18,4) Total price after discountIn currency
DiscountPriceInCurrency decimal(18,4) Discount priceIn currency


SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM [API_GetOrderDetail]

