API CreateOrder: Porovnání verzí

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(Nejsou zobrazeny 2 mezilehlé verze od stejného uživatele.)
Řádka 156: Řádka 156:
1 - Activated,
1 - Activated,
-1 - Automatic
-1 - Automatic
|Other shipping address
0 - NO
1 - YES
|Recipient name
|Recipient street
|Recipient city
|Recipient postal
|Recipient district
|Recipient province
|Recipient stat
|Recipient Reg. No.
|Recipient TAX
|Recipient telephone
|Recipient fax
|Recipient phone
|Recipient email
Řádka 246: Řádka 332:
@AddDeposits = 0,
@AddDeposits = 0,
@DoNotOrderFromSupplier = -1,
@DoNotOrderFromSupplier = -1,
@OtherShippingAddress = 1,
@RecipientName  = 'Test Name',
@RecipientStreet = 'Street',
@RecipientCity  = 'City',
@RecipientPostal  = '00-320',
@RecipientDistrict  = '',
@RecipientProvince = '',
@RecipientStat  = 'Polska',
@RecipientRegNo  = '',
@RecipientTAX  = '',
@RecipientTelephone  = '',
@RecipientFax  = '',
@RecipientPhone  = '123-456-789',
@RecipientEmail  = '',
@OrderItems = @OrderItems,
@OrderItems = @OrderItems,
@OrderNo = @_OrderNo OUTPUT,
@OrderNo = @_OrderNo OUTPUT,

Aktuální verze z 6. 11. 2020, 17:20


Method allows You to create new order in system.

Exact name



Standard executable stored procedure with table-Valued Parameters.


Parameter Data type Value range Description Relation
@Series nvarchar(10) Series number starts. Format: Series+Year+Auto Increment Number
@CurrencyID int Currency ID API_GetCurrency.ID
@CurrencyInCurrencyID int Currency in currency ID API_GetCurrency.ID
@ExchangeRate decimal(18,6) Exchange rate
@CustomerBranchID int Customer branch ID API_GetCustomers.ID
@PaymentMethodID int Payment method ID

1 - Cash, 2 - Transfer, 3 - CardPersonally, 4 - Before, 5 - Voucher, 6 - DeliveryCash, 7 - GoPay, 8 - Payout

@SupplierOrderNo nvarchar(80) Supplier Order Number
@Note nvarchar(600) Note
@TransportID int Transport ID API_GetTransports.ID
@ExpeditionID int Expedition ID

1 - Immediately, 2 - Entire only

@LockRelease int Pause warehouse release (manually authorization required)

0 - OFF 1 - ON

@RealizationDate datetime Realization Date
@OrderTypeID int Order type ID

-1 - NA 0 - Personal, 1 - Warehouse, 2 - Intraday, 5 - Common, 6 - Warehouse (producer), 500 - Manufacturing (Assembly)

@SeparatedDocument int Separated document

0 - OFF 1 - ON

@FinalDocumentTypeID int Final document type ID

0 - OFF 5 - Receipt, 1 - Bank transfer invoice, 2 - Cash invoice, 10 - Delivery note

@WaitForNextOrder int Wait for next order

0 - OFF 1 - ON

@AddDeposits bit Add deposits

0 - NO 1 - YES

@DoNotOrderFromSupplier int Do not order from supplier

0 - Deactivated, 1 - Activated, -1 - Automatic

@OtherShippingAddress bit Other shipping address

0 - NO 1 - YES

@RecipientName nvarchar(140) Recipient name
@RecipientStreet nvarchar(100) Recipient street
@RecipientCity nvarchar(140) Recipient city
@RecipientPostal nvarchar(10) Recipient postal
@RecipientDistrict nvarchar(150) Recipient district
@RecipientProvince nvarchar(30) Recipient province
@RecipientStat nvarchar(50) Recipient stat
@RecipientRegNo nvarchar(20) Recipient Reg. No.
@RecipientTAX nvarchar(20) Recipient TAX
@RecipientTelephone nvarchar(30) Recipient telephone
@RecipientFax nvarchar(30) Recipient fax
@RecipientPhone nvarchar(30) Recipient phone
@RecipientEmail nvarchar(60) Recipient email
@OrderNo nvarchar(25) Order number OUTPUT
@OrderID int Order ID OUTPUT

Table-Valued Parameters Specification

Columns name Data type Value range Description Relation
ProduktGroupID int ProduktGroupID API_GetProductGroups.ID
SupplierID int Supplier ID

-1 - Automatic selection

Quantity decimal(14,2) Quantity
PurchasePriceInCurrency decimal(19,6) Purchase price in currency
PurchasePriceAfterDiscountInCurrency decimal(19,6) Purchase price after discount in currency


Number : OK - Number of added items
-100 : Order could not be created


DECLARE @return_value int
Declare @OrderItems dbo.ApiOrderItems 
Declare @_OrderNo nvarchar(25)
Declare @_OrderID int

Insert INTO @OrderItems
SELECT 232157, -1, 2, 300, 370
Union all
SELECT 5650223, -1, 1, 20, 30

exec @return_value = dbo.[API_CreateOrder] 
@Series = 'ORD',
@CurrencyID = 16034,
@CurrencyInCurrencyID = 16034,
@ExchangeRate = 1,
@CustomerBranchID = 75,
@PaymentMethodID = 2,
@SupplierOrderNo = '',
@Note = 'Some note',
@TransportID = 2,
@ExpeditionID = 1,
@LockRelease = 0,
@RealizationDate = -1,
@OrderTypeID = 0,
@SeparatedDocument = 0,
@FinalDocumentTypeID = 0,
@WaitForNextOrder = 0,
@AddDeposits = 0,
@DoNotOrderFromSupplier = -1,
@OtherShippingAddress = 1,
@RecipientName  = 'Test Name',
@RecipientStreet = 'Street',
@RecipientCity  = 'City',
@RecipientPostal  = '00-320',
@RecipientDistrict  = '',
@RecipientProvince = '',
@RecipientStat  = 'Polska',
@RecipientRegNo  = '',
@RecipientTAX  = '',
@RecipientTelephone  = '',
@RecipientFax  = '',
@RecipientPhone  = '123-456-789',
@RecipientEmail  = '',
@OrderItems = @OrderItems,
@OrderNo = @_OrderNo OUTPUT,
@OrderID = @_OrderID OUTPUT

Select @return_value, @_OrderNo, @_OrderID


API_CreateOrder procedure uses own data type called OrderItems (dbo.ApiOrderItems).